Worst Metro Riders

Here are the 5 worst kinds of metro riders, according to Michael Musto:
''As if riding the metro isn't raw enough, these five types make it even worse:

(5) The spreaders
They've decided that for the next 25 minutes, this train is going to be their new home.
They bring blankets, books, bags, boom boxes, and the entire family.
To them, it's a personal beach, and they're so comfy they don't even notice there's no water.

(4) The ones that stare at the metro map for 10 full minutes even though you're sitting right in front of it.
No amount of awkwardness will keep these folks from lodging themselves right in front of your face, ignoring the fact that there's another map five feet away and no one's even remotely near it. And what's the point of all their lodging and staring? They're usually too dumb to understand the map anyway!

(3) The loud ones
They scream their lungs out--either on their phones, to each other, or to themselves-- with no regard for the fact that the entire car is blue in the face and holding their ears. When they exit, these types usually get applause.

(2) The ones who look down when a pregnant woman enters, not wanting to have to sacrifice their seat

(1) The musicians
I'm in favor of creative artists doing whatever they can to make a living, but it's rather cruel to hold an audience captive with unwanted and often wobbly musicianship.
Recently, three percussionists set up right near me and not only blocked the exit, they blocked my eardrums!
I did not beg for an encore.''