Artist Residencies in Italy, Germany, Nebraska and Slovenia for Artists, Writers, Composers, and More!

Hey there...a couple new things for you today...I'm trying to get as much out as possible when I'm home because I go off on my book tour starting tomorrow and will be gone a lot this fall. Anyway, here you go (the first three are from

(VISUAL ARTISTS) Lo Studio dei Nipoti Calabria Artists Residency—Seeking: Southern-Italian-American & native Southern Italian visual artists;

various ages and areas of specialization April 1-June 30, 2012 residency period

1-3 month stay; 6 artists at a time, Cost: $0-$300/mo

Lo Studio dei Nipoti (studio of the grandchildren, nieces, nephews) has established a pilot artists' residency in collaboration with the town of Monasterace, on the Ionian Sea in Calabria, Italy. An important facet of the residency is the rich potential for positive engagement in the community. Exhibition opportunities, collaborative opportunities; contribute to workshop for the community. Application Deadline: Sep 10, 2011 for the spring residency. For complete prospectus, email

For more info visit

(ALL) Artist in residence stipends—Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen Foundation Fellowships—Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen Foundation, Germany Guiding principle of Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen Foundation is to support writers, visual artists, artists in the field of new media and and interdisciplinary projects as well as composers by the way of artist in residence stays in the Foundation Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen (NRW, Germany) accomodation.

These stays go along with monthly stipends and can last as long as four months in total. The fellows can work highly focused during this period of time in the Foundation Kuenstlerdorf Schoeppingen (NRW, Germany) studios, apartments and flats on their respective art, book or score projects. With in total 14 fellows being on site at the same time and coming from different sectors of work a comprehensive and inspired exchange of ideas takes place. Application for the artist in residence stays is internationally open. There is no limit of age existent.

Grants: Grants for visual arts, new media art, interdisciplinary projects, literature and composition will be awarded each year. Different juries of experts decide on the incoming applications. Deadline for applications is 15th of September of the current year. The monthly stipend amounts to 1025,- Euros. An amount for the operating expenses of the apartments or studios of about 100,- to 200,- Euros has to be payed of this. There is an obligation to spend the artist in residence stay on place.


The studios and apartments of the artist village Schöppingen are in two completely renovated farmhouses dating from the early 19th century. A total of eight apartments for authors and new media artists and six studios for visual artists is available. There are a gallery space and a wood/metall workshop available.

For more information, go to:

Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Feuerstiege 6 D-48620 Schöppingen Germany

tel: +49 2555 93810 fax: +49 2555 938120

Deadline: 15 September, 2011

(MEDIA, SOUND & VISUAL ARTISTS) Artist in Residency - Museum of Transitory Art MoTA, Ljubljana—MoTA Residencies

Deadline: 15 September, 2011

MoTA is the first Artist in Residency program in Ljubljana for media, sound or visual artists, who can live and work in the capital of Slovenia for a period of one month. MoTA accepts applications for production residencies for artists interested in transitory art. MoTA offers the opportunity to produce and exhibit art projects which research and experiment with: -transitions in space and time, transitions in legal, moral, ethical, political positions, transitions of digital into analog world.

Artists selected through this open call are offered full production support and a public showing of the work produced according to the nature of the project.During the residency, a public presentation of the artist is required. Each resident artist is also asked to donate an artwork to the MoTA museum collection.

More Information


MoTA, Rožna dolina cesta II/36, 1000 Ljubljana

ALL) The Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the ArtsArtist Residencies in Nebraska City, NE offers 2- to 8-week residencies year-round for writers, visual artists, and music composers. Housing, studio space, $100/week stipend are provided.

Approximately 50 residencies are awarded per year. The upcoming deadline is September 1 for the following January through June 15 residencies. $25 application fee. See website for complete information, guidelines and application: The Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, 801 3rd Corso, Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410. 402-874-9600,