Follow me on Twitter and Facebook for Up-to-Date Info

I know I've said this before but just in case you missed it—when I am on the road and cannot post on my blog because of time constraints or brain fog, I always at least bleep things out to the world on twitter and my Mira's List Facebook page. And what I do on those sites is something I don't do on this blog, which is post about arts jobs, editing gigs, writing awards, public art commissions, etc. I re-tweet some great stuff from other sites too. So if you already have a twitter account, you should follow me. Go here:!/miraslist.

And if you are already on facebook, you should 'like' my page so you can get updated info on your FB feed: to try to figure out how to make some money past December because things are looking a bit grim these days. Having a so-called 'bestselling' book doesn't necessarily mean you actually make any money, at least not at the moment it doesn't.

Wish me luck—and check out my twitter feed and FB page. A lot of people have found some great things there that they didn't find on my blog. These are hard times and you can't leave a stone unturned or a tweet untweeted. :-)
xoxo Mirabee